Basic Trik Of Skateboard

How to Ollie

The ollie is the basis for almost every skateboard trick. Nine out of ten tricks require an ollie of some sort. If you have the ollie mastered then you are not far from mastering streetstyle. The ollie itself is the act of jumping into the air while keeping your board on your feet. So if you are skating down the sidewalk and all of a sudden an old lady were to fall in front of you and block your path, you would want to ollie over her and keep going on your way.

Step one: Place your front foot in the middle of the board and your back foot on the tip of the tail (or back). This is your preparatory foot placement, it will help you to go higher.

Step two: With your back foot you want to "tap" your tail onto the ground. Do this by smashing your tail downward while jumping up. Once the tail has "popped" off the ground, slide your front foot up from the middle of your board toward the nose (or front). The secret to this trick is timing your "jump" with your "tap," and your "tap" with your "foot slide" - this takes practice, so be patient and you will improve. Tip: You are jumping off of your back wheels, before your tail actually hits the ground.

Step three: Leveling off. Once airborne, the "foot slide" levels your board out. The "foot slide" is the process of scraping your foot (or more likely, your shoe) upward and forward across the grip tape toward the nose. You do this just after the tail tap and jump. Fact: The tap and the foot slide combined are the ollie's essence, your jump determines its height.

Step four: Land. Tip: A good thing to remember with any trick is what I call the "box." Imagine yourself in an invisible box the size of your skateboard. Always keep your body centered above your board and in this box. I find it helps you to land tricks because a common mistake is to lean too far forward or backward. Thank you and have a nice day, bunghole.

How to kickflip
First off, when you kickflip put your foot in normal ollie position except put your front foot on the edge where your heel is. have about half of your foot on the board. Slam the tail then kick the front foot towards the nose. Let it spin around once, then catch it with your back, then your front and slam. It will take a lot of practie to get this trick down.
How to ollie
First off, if your regular foot, you left foot goes in the front. If your goofy foot your right foot goes in the front. Put your front foot right behind the front truck bolts and you back foot on the tail. Slam i mean slam the boards tail and slide your front foot to the front truck bolts. Slam the board with both feet as hard as you can, land it is the last step to the process, keep trying and you will get the hang of it eventually.

How to ollieflip

Well, as you can tell from the name of this trick you need to learn the ollie first. The ollie flip is an ollie variation: you jump into the air with your board, but your board does a flip before you land on it.

Step one: Your back foot goes on the tail and your front foot goes in the middle of the board, but hangs a bit over the heel edge.

Step two: Do an ollie, but rather than only sliding your front foot upward and forward, you must also slide your foot (again, probably your shoe) to the heel side enough to start your board in a spin. This action requires you to actually kick your front foot off of your board. The spinning board hovers for a second between your sprawling, supple legs.

Step three: "Catch" your board in mid-air once it has spun completely around, and land.

How to heelflip

The heelflip is like the ollie flip, except that the board spins toward the toe edge rather than the heel edge. It would be wise to learn the ollie flip before attempting the heelflip. Once having mastered the ollie flip, the heelflip is but a variation.

The heelflip entails ollieing and kicking your leading foot towards the toe-side edge of the nose, rather than towards the heelside edge as you would for an ollie flip. Your leading foot should be placed just behind the front bolts, not in the center of the board as for an ollie. The combined motions of ollieing upwards by pushing down with your trailing foot and kicking forward and to the toe-side edge with your leading foot will make the board spin. As it spins around, "catch" it with your feet once the topside is up again. Land and rock on.

How to 180
First step to a frontside 180 or a backside 180 is you need to have the ollie down pretty good. When you ollie slam the tail but spin you body to the right or left. To spin your body, you need to twist your nees. If you make it slam. It might hurt your first couple of times trying, but it was the first trick that i learned to do.


How to manual
To manual you place your feet in the position you normally have them in, but while riding push on the tail a bit to cause the front to lift up. Ride it and practice.

How to shove-it
To shuvit, you first off put your foot in ollie position. Push the tail, but dont push it all the way down. When it is about half way down, push your front foot forward or backwards. The board should spin around. Learn how to land this trick. And try to keep the board on the ground.

How to pop shove-it

The pop shove-it involves an ollie and a slight of foot that turns the board, but not the rider, 180 degrees. It becomes useful in situations when the rider desires that the board be reversed (i.e. pointed in the opposite direction).

To perform the pop shove-it, roll at a moderate to fast speed and assume the ollie position. Ollie upwards, but instead of sliding your leading foot to the nose - as you would for a straight ollie - keep it near the center of the board. Push the tail slightly with your trailing foot to the heel side and guide the board around with your leading foot. As the leading end of the board swings around, "catch" it with your trailing foot, and land.

How to kickflip 180
The first step for a Kickflip 180 is that you need to know how to kickflip and pop suvit. Slam the tail, but kickflip and popsuvit at the same time. The board should do a cool trick. Practice it alot, because it looks sweet when you do it right.

How to 360 flip

The 360 flip is what you might call a "compound trick" because it actually combines two tricks, the kickflip and the 360 shove-it. To do a 360 flip, you should position your front foot like you would for a kickflip, with your toe slid back toward the heel-edge of the board. Your rear foot should be positioned with your toe on the opposite corner of the board, namely the toe-edge of the tail.

Rolling at a moderate to slow speed, pop an ollie, but as you kick your front foot for the "flip," swing your back foot underneath and behind you 360-shove-it-style. This will rotate the board around as it spins. The whole thing should take about the same amount of time a kickflip does, so you won't have to "hang" in the air any longer. When the nose comes back around and the griptape side shows upward, stick your feet back on and land it.

How to ollie impossible
Well, the name says it all!!! A VERY hard trick!!! not a lot of pros can do it...there are quite a few...but most can't. It's a good idea that you know how to 360 Flip Before you even try this! What the board does is it kinda flips AROUND your back foot. It's hard to explain. If you want to see a good one in slow motion on a Toy Machine "Jump off a Building". Ed Templeton does like 5 of them...3 over a picnic table. START WITH: REGULAR END WITH: SWITCH Step 1: Put your feet like you're going to do a kick-flip but have the front foot up over the front trucks. Step 2: What you need to now is slid your front foot off the board and push down with your back foot. That will literally make the board go vertical. Step 3: Right when the board is verticle, you need to "scoop" your back foot in a clockwise direction (for regular) or counter clockwise (for goofy). Have your back foot spinnin the tail of the board around your foot while you do that! (NOTE: your Front foot is still in the air while doing this!) Step 4: When it does a full 360 around your foot you need to land back on top of the board! Like I said...VERY hard to do!!!

How to hardflip
Put your feet like you're going to do a kick-flip. Pop down on the tail of the board. When the board begins to go vertical, push down with your front foot. Begin to spin your body 90 degrees. let the board go in between you legs. Then reverse your spin 90 degrees so you're back into your regular position.

How to do drops
Ollie down - drops This is something I have just recently got the hang of, for it isn't easy. When you first start out, try it down a little two-step, or a 1 foot drop or something. Approach with speed, but not too much. Have you front foot right before the front bolts. This does not require a big ollie, just a little one. Bend down, and when you ollie slide your foot up a little bit. Level out, and you MUST land with bent knees. Also, try landing on with your feet on the sets of bolts. This reduces the chance of cracking your board. To take the impact is the hardest part. Keep practicing and don't be afraid to slam. It's all a part of skateboarding.

How to 50-50
The 50-50 is the most basic grind. Get some speed at the obstacle you're doing it on and ollie up onto it by tilting your board off to the side. From here, just try to land cleanly on the trucks. You might have to lean back a little while you're grinding if it isn't grinding too well. At the end of the obstacle either ollie off or lift up your nose and roll right off.

How to 5-0
The 5-0 grind is exactly the same as the 50-50, except you only grind with one truck. To do it, have your feet in ollie position. When you reach the obstacle, ollie and lean back a little so you can land on your back truck. You will have to ollie higher than you would for a 50-50. Once you're on grind and come off. This trick requires a lot of balance, so you might want to practice manuals before you do them.

How to nose grind
The nosegrind is the exact opposite of the 5-0 grind. Here, you will grind with only the front truck. This trick also requires balance, so you might want to practice nose manuals before you do them. Have your feet in ollie position, but maybe have your front foot further up than you would for a regular ollie. This will allow you to land on your front truck. When you reach the ledge or whatever you're doing it on, ollie and try to land on your front truck. Keep your balance and grind and come off. This trick is hard to come off if you can't just roll right off. If there isn't a place to roll off, you'll have to give your board a little nollie pop and jump right off it. This takes practice if you haven't learned nollies yet.

How to nose slide

To set up for a noseslide, you might want to have your front foot up a little more than if you were going to do a regular ollie. This will help you land on your nose better. Get some speed and ollie 90 degrees onto the obstacle so your nose only lands on it. From here, just slide as best you can and come off at the end by turning 90 degrees to regular or fakie.

How to tail slide
First you need to learn ollieing 90 degrees pretty easily. Then, find something that will slide and if you can try going from the front of the object to practice. Go straight at it and when your coming close turn a little and ollie 90 degrees(over the object). Then push down on your tail when it's over the part you want to slide and lean most of your weight on the tail. Then just come off regular or fakie and roll away.

How to board slide
To do a boardslide, approach your obstacle with a good amount of speed. Ollie up 90 degrees onto it. Try to land in the middle of your board with your weight equally adjusted over your feet. If you are doing a backside boardslide, you might have to lean back a little to help the slide if the obstacle isn't slick enough. Do the same for a frontside except lean forward.
To come off, just turn your body 90 degrees and land rolling away fakie or

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