Skateboard 2013

Skateboard currently in great demand by the quasi- public, so the number of skaters in 2013 was very much a newcomer. It happened in different countries.

Along with the development of the skateboard there are some things which support the device as prices are getting cheaper skateboard , skateboard or skate park facilities more and more . The event is also a growing number of skateboard game, sponsored skateboard clothing brands new one anyway.

Currently every state has a lot of local brands skateboard product , so the price of skateboard products at this time are highly variable. it depends on the quality of its products. thus, the skater 's easy to get the skateboard products. Additionally, we can buy any product online skateboard. such as skateboard online shop, which has provided whole purpose skateboard .

Skateboard TrickLong ago, before the current information technology such as around 1990 , we are very difficult to share information . What more for us who live inland . Currently we do not have to wonder anymore to learn a trick skateboard trick to the whole , you can see a video tutorial on skateboard given away for free.

How To Get Sponsor

The skater will not go forward without a sponsor , because sponsor that can make us more famous and rich . As said earlier , that now many skateboard brands products . Do not expect a premium brand if we are difficult to get . The following trick to get a skateboard sponsor
  • Follow the competition
    If you are a beginner , this should be your routine. In addition to looking for a sponsor is also a lace to train your mental .
  • Video documentation
record your best tricks and upload them to video sharing media such as youtube .
  • Call the sponsor ( Brands )
You can do this business by contacting the sponsor directly or through the contact person . Follow the requirements .
  • Skateboard Or Die
skateboarding is my life