Maybe we are used to playing games like tony hawks skateboard in play station . But now you can play these games on your tablet or mobile phone .Mike V : Skateboard Party LiteThat's the name of this app games that you can get from google playstore . Features of skateboard party is almost resembles the features of life tony hawks games . Models such as the following games :
CAREER MODEFREE SKATEMASSIVE SELECTIONLEARN TO SKATEHIGHT SCOREMIN HARDWARE REQUIREMENTSCompatible with all Android based phones and tablets running a resolution of 800x480 or higher .
The best This is the only skating game on the Android Market that is
even close to a true skate . If its raining outside and I can not ride
my board this is my second choice hands down do not believe the reviews
on that other skating game
that he had all of his buddies rate. if you skate or even if you do not
skate and skateboarding like you must download this game its freakin
awesome ! "
Omg love it ! ! ! Hi I'm Rob Dyrdek and this is by far the most goodest skateboarding game ever ! ! !
Well this game looks preaty cool its because i think I love skateboring I ... Well this game looks preaty cool its because i think I love skateboring I love this game
So wait no more , these games are provided free of charge . you can download these games via the link Free Skateboards Games
Title : Play Skateboard Games on Mobile - FREE
Description : Maybe we are used to playing games like tony hawks skateboard in play station . But now you can play these games on your tablet or mobile...